Coleman Solar Backup Power Kit Overview Energy independant and reliable power backup Everything you need to recharge your 12V battery: Three (3) solar panels Mounting frame and wiring Inverter Easy installation (installation video included) Maintenance free Weatherproofed solar panels Efficient even under low daylight conditions Ideal for remote areas, hunting and fishing camps Specifications Coleman® Solar Backup Power Kit Rated Power up to 45 Watts Max current 3 Amps Operating Voltage 15 Volts Operating temperature -40°F to 176°F Coleman® Solar Backup Power Kit Typical Output / Week = 1260 Watt-Hrs In a typical week you can run 60W fluo light for 12 hours 60W water pump for 8 hours 12" black&white TV for 15 hours 55W stereo for 5 hours Computer/modem for 3 hours Watt-Hrs required 180 480 225 275 100 ------- Total 1260